Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Hi Steve! I remember one time --

We were passing the United Nations building in New York on our way south. This was after 911 and there were a number of small war ships and black inflatables with guns working the river.

We were thinking about what happened on the day the buildings went down and feeling strange about passing the city without the towers while waving to our military on the boats when out of nowhere this giant blasting horn almost made me crap in my pants.

It was a sportfisher about 60 feet long coming up fast from astern that was just signaling to pass. Nothing much out of the ordinary but with all the thoughts going through our heads it freaked us out. After that Rey and I both commented that we needed one of those horns.

They really are attention getters and equalizers. Anyone hears one of those it gets their attention fast.

One would be great on Brendon.

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