Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Another caution
In Response To: Thanks guys ()

If you're jibbing the chute -- you want to keep the control lines on the same side as the chute and pass them IN FRONT OF THE FORESTAY.

On our J/Boat, we can gybe the chute pretty well, but I need to run the clew through or else it's just too tricky in any wind. (If you don't pull the sock down, it really is a two person job to avoid a dreaded TWIST or HOUR GLASS). On a lot of boats they don't gybe the chute through, they take it all the way around the ouside by letting it drift forard. You need a bit of wind to avoid problems, in my experiences, but if you have a bunch of wind, it's often the only way to do it without asking for trouble. THE SAFEST WAY IS TO PULL THE SOCK DOWN, flop the chute over, and redeploy.

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