Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

The latest update

I understand the "rushing" advice, and it is sound for sure. There were several factors in this decision. As mentioned by Mark, running around trying to stretch the boat buying budget a little was a waste of time and effort. 30'+ were for the most part old boats, project boats or old project boats. Frankly, I am tired of fixing other owner's sins and neglect. While this Jeanneau is at the lower end of the size range the admiral and I discussed, it is roomy below with a nice beam, open main cabin and private aft cabin. It should work fine for our current situation of daysailing. It is unfortunate but at this stage of our lives we are both tied to our jobs, getting consecutive days off seems to be a monumental task followed by a week of catching up and fire fighting. I also had to come to grips with wants, needs, reality and practicality.

We know the original owner, another club member. He sold the boat less than 12 months ago to an engineer who finds himself transferred to a waterless place. The boat was meticulously maintained, has many upgrades, a nice sail inventory and had a current survey. It was also located 500 yards from our slip at the local brokerage. The one thing it will require is a bit of sanding and varnish on the brightwork, one of my favorite jobs....really!

Our offer was accepted last night, no counter was made, so it is a done deal at an exceptional price (we think). The offer was officially signed for the powerboat last night at very close to our asking price, $$$ transfer to happen today. So that is a done deal. So we did sell and buy in less than four days. I have a headache over the entire thing, the broker suggested that I go buy a lottery ticket today as he has never seen anything like this before.

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