VERY disturbing .... I keep hoping the news isn't right, but ....
Cruiser murdered in Laguna Diamante last night.... Laguna Diamante/Puerto Escondido are safe/good weather anchorages on the Honduran mainland that cruisers use routinely from the Rio Dulce to the Bay Islands or from the Bay Islands to Belize. We've used the anchorages several times and NEVER felt any safety concerns. We've spent several days enjoying the National Park. Both anchorages are in a Honduran National Park, miles from anywhere. The howler monkeys and jaguars are the main attraction, along with the hiking in the national park and good anchorages -- Diamante is a hurricane hole, completely surrounded by mangroves & safe. We have several friends that have spent near hurricanes in Diamante.
I loved cruising the NW Caribbean. But, if true, this is a main anchorage and very disturbing....