Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Vineyard Haven

Hmmmm. I rather like Vineyard Haven. I find the atmosphere more freshing than hoy-poloy Edgartown.

The little beach on the Western side to the South of the Harbormaster's Office is one of the nicest places
in all of Southern New England, imo. For me, it almost epitomizes the very meaning of Summer.

The boatyards are worth checking out. There are quite a few traditional wooden boats in VH, including some really
big ones, and it is one of those places like Center Harbor in Maine where wooden boats and the skilled
people who build them are appreciated.

There are other sights to see and experience as well. I just like the place - although I recognize that (big) parts of it
are touristy.

Yes, the harbor is exposed if the winds are out of the North. For the prevailing Southwesterlies it's fine and the
holding is good - but the wakes from the ferries can be annoying. However, there is a nice alternative: you go
into The Lagoon. Even with your draft, you'd find spots to anchor in there and it's MUCH quieter and more peaceful
than Edgartown or Oak Bluffs. You are time constrained, though, since the draw bridge has a posted
scheldule and this can delay your getting in and/or leaving.


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