We used Hydrocoat last season and absolutely will NOT be going back. I will go back to Ultima SR-60 or West Marine PCA Gold. I found Hydrocaot is CONSIDERABLY harder and does NOT like to ablade like the much softer Ultima or PCA Gold paint does.
I felt very "ripped off" by Pettit as I was flat out told by their engineers that it was the SAME polymer and the only difference was the "carrier" (water or solvent based) to get it on the hull. I was told that once evaporated it was basically the same copolymer as Pettit Horizons (no slime blocker) and the same copolymer as Ultima. I have used Horizons and Ultima it is NOT the same. Ultima ablades far easier which leads to considerably less build up.. I spent over 10K to re-do the bottom and four hours in the fall with a pressure washer and green Scotch-Brite removing the Hydrocoat it is TOUGH stuff that barely abaldes with green Scotch-Brite and a 2800 PSI pressure washer..
It also did a horrible job, in a very easy harbor, at keeping my bottom clean. I usually require one in-water wipe down in August before our cruise just so I start with a spotless bottom.. This season it took three scrubbings and it was still filthy when it came out.
I was loving how EASY it was to apply and clean up but I won't let that sway the poor performance and lack of sloughing, for a sail boat, that Hydrocoat exhibits.
I have NEVER experienced growth on our hull like I have with Hydrocoat. I am glad I tried it and now know that I won't ever need to "wonder" about it again....
This was Nov 25th 2011 on haul out day. She was launched in early May 2011. The bottom was cleaned by a diver THREE TIMES during those 6.5 months and NEVER hit my tracer color!!!!!!!(nl)(nl)