We have 3 single switches that select batteries. Switch one is for the house bank on and off. Switch 2 is for the starter battery on and off. The third switch allows me to cross the systems so I can use ALL batteries to start the engine OR run the house. I have a 100 Ah CB between the batteries and the house before the house switch.
I DO have the radios (and bilge pump) direct to the batteries and each has it's own fuse. I use a fuse instead of a CB because of an old military aircraft habit. I can always do what we called a "battle short" with the fuse setup. That is, if an emergency should arise, I can short it for the last bit of use, knowing that I am about to toast the gear for good, but NEED IT NOW!
I did turn all switches to the OFF setting, but forgot about the Pactor, MY BAD. The system worked so well for so long that it just sort of slipped my mind. GETTING OLD!
The photo shows switch 1 (red) with the Windlass CB below it and the Yanmar shut down just above it. I moved the Yanmar shut down inside the cabin as a few friends I know had to keep replacing it due to water seeping into the cable. The other 2 switches are in the aft cabin.