As I said, this bulb has worked great for us for a long time now.
But I thought I would relate why I also bought the small low cost electric pump. I bought it because of a problem I saw on another boat when we were FAR from any place. On the other boat, that also had a Yanmar, the guy started to find MORE oil in the motor than when he filled it. Just a small amount at first, but more and more. It was finally (after a couple of days) tracked down to diesel fuel in the oil! NOT GOOD. In trouble shooting, it was discovered that the small rubber diaphragm in the manual fuel pump on the side of the engine had a rupture in it. It was allowing diesel to enter the oil system.
So, I bought a small diesel rated 12 volt pump from an auto parts store to carry as a spare. IF I ever needed to use it, my idea was to just move the fuel hoses from the normal pump to the electric one, then take a foot of spare fuel line to jumper the intake to output of the engine driven pump so no leakage would take place. I also made a small simple wire harness to the spare pump with a switch in it and battery clips so I could just clip it in when needed.
I have never had to use it, but it gave me a bit of comfort when out.
By the way, don't forget you have a standing invite to visit us up in the San Francisco Bay area during the Pacific Sail Expo in April! And test out our PortaBoat......
We will be at a dock for at least a week during the show (NOT at the show, but across the estuary from it). So it's an easy visit then, most likely a lot of anchoring out after that.