These guys have work to do. They want to get this Concordia backed into a slip, without hitting boats on each side. They missed on the first pass, and knew to bail out.
On this pass, coasting in very slowly, turning about half-starboard, with the dock off the port side, the helmsmen pushed the tiller full to port, and engaged(I think), reverse.
Interestingly, he kept the tiller hard port, and was able to creep the stern close enough so the line handler could pass off to another handler on the bow of the port side boat. Positioned about 10 o'clock to the slip at 12 o'clock, was all they needed(and the best they could get).
The fog tells me, there was a decent south wind blowing directly into the slip. They let that help by going dead slow.
This seems impossible on my boat with it's prop wash direction. Either this boats prop rotation is the opposite of mine, or I better talk to them,...