Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

That's a great idea...

I'd love not having to go forward to deploy/douse the staysail. I don't feel endangered in any way like I did changing jibs out on the end of the bowsprit, but being at least as lazy as most, it sounds to me like you've got the ideal setup.

Twice now, I've been caught in heavy weather while beating. The first was for about 36 hours in the Tayana when we caught the tail end of a tropical depression as we made our way from Tonga to Hawaii and the other time for 7 days while enroute with the Kelley Peterson from New Zealand to Beveridge Reef (we eventually bailed out and turned off the wind for Tonga when we had a couple of things break, but that's another story). Both boats were set up with a triple reefed main and a slab reefed staysail instead of the often recommended trysail and storm jib and I am very happy with how both boats handled the conditions. I couldn't point as high as I could when flying the jib, but I still made good progress to weather, the boats remained balanced so the Monitors had no problem holding a course and neither boat ever felt like it was any where near being over stressed. That setup may not work for all boats, but is has excelled on mine.

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