I figured I would offer the boat to anyone at the club for a discounted price before turning it over to the broker so I took a couple of signs down to hang on the rails. That news should spread like wildfire.......
What actually happened was interesting. A small crowd gathered at the appearance of the first sign. The beers came out and discussion commenced........the usual questions of what next, power or sail, why and so forth. I explained the situation and was told by the group that I had a case of "the funks" and was making a big mistake selling the boat. Each person told their own story of the season, how poor it has been, cold, rainy (sounds like Maine?) how little they have used their boats and how difficult it was to justify the cost this year. More beers, more stories, more discussion and more advice telling me that it was such a pretty boat, so well made and that I should reconsider my decision...........at that moment the skies opened up and the crowd scattered. As a result, the for sale signs are down below and not on the rails as planned. I went home, told the Admiral of the meeting of the minds, the case of the funks and the advice on reconsidering. We are reconsidering.