We take a lot of guests out and come in after dark to a very tight slip which we always back into. We have a lot of freeboard and a beam of almost fourteen feet. The Admiral goes forward to the midships gate, as I make the final turn she steps off on the pier while I stop the boat and back into the slip. When she exits she takes the spring line and stern line with her. It would be good if I could tell her what I'm doing as we approach the pier, i.e. "wind is pushing the stern, I'm going to have to come in hot to maintain steerage, hold the bow out, a little push on the stern please". We don't have any problem anchoring as we do use hand signals. We just can't convey enough information via handsignals when we are docking. I want to buy headphones but was wondering if any of you have a suggestion on brands or types. I do like the comment about not covering both ears so that you can't hear anything other than each other. Good thought.