I was going to comment yesterday but didn't want to be a nattering nabob of negativity...
I see too much reliance on the engine (when they could not have continued that type of usage for the whole trip--and didn't).
I see too much reliance on their 'conveniences'.
I see too much gear breakage overall. (and I have no way to know whether that's a maintenance issue, preparation/monitoring issue, or a reflection of the shortcomings of todays gear--possibly it could be undersized for the job since that's a natural cost savings temptation for a boat manufacturer)
I see folks who have made a sea passage before and may have been cruisers for a while but who are not experienced 'seamen'.
It's become an all to common tale. Modern conveniences and boats, plus money, make it possible to all too easily do things that perhaps shouldn't have been done. Of course, in most cases, the trip gets done and nothing really bad happens. So... I guess it all works out...