Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Re: Not worth reading but I need to post a rant somewhere . . . so in your world

a country of 300 plus million people can run itself without a government of any kind? Who's going to protect those freedoms you so cherish against the marauding hordes who don't cherish them? And who wrote those freedoms on parchment so you'd be able to read about them today? And who's going to deliberate to come to consensus on what side of the road we drive so we can live long enough to enjoy those freedoms?
Government does have its uses as in, er, funding the research and development that brought us the internet so we could abuse each other at a distance? (tongue firmly in cheek).
I agree with you to the extent that I believe government wants to get involved in my life in some ways I would prefer it didn't. But I could say the same thing about Google et al.

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