Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Re: Not worth reading but I need to post a rant somewhere . . . so in your world

a country of 300 plus million people can run itself without a government of any kind?


Who's going to protect those freedoms you so cherish against the marauding hordes who don't cherish them?

Nobody is protecting freedom now. Certainly not police or military (read War is a Racket, by Smedley Butler) or politicians or anyone else in government. In fact, the people in government are the ONLY people who are infringing upon freedom (with the support of people who believe in the superstition that anyone has the right to rule.

And who wrote those freedoms on parchment so you'd be able to read about them today?

Not sure which parchment you are talking about. The Constitution was a huge step backwards from the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution set up two classes of people, the ruled and the rulers (Congress) and claims that Congress has the power to steal from the rest of us and kill anyone who resists that power. (Article 1 Section 8). But, as Lysander Spooner noted, “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.” Watch this video that poignantly illustrates the absurdity of the Constitution:

And who's going to deliberate to come to consensus on what side of the road we drive so we can live long enough to enjoy those freedoms?

Hahaha.....Muh Roads!!! hahahaha....Yep, we surely could not figure that one out without the brilliant folks in government. Who would decide what food to carry in grocery stores if government didn't issue buying lists for grocery store owners??? We would all starve!!! hahaha!!!

I agree with you to the extent that I believe government wants to get involved in my life in some ways I would prefer it didn't. But I could say the same thing about Google et al.

Google won't toss you in prison if you don't tell them all the details of your life. (or how much you made last year).

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