Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Anchor pull with engine in reverse test.

Anyone know of a study done to give an approximate relationship of wind velocity to engine RPM in reverse pull?

One good technique on setting the anchor is to drop the anchor, Slowly let out the proper length of rode, put on the snubber ( if chain ) and give a steady pull with the engine mimicking the wind to set it.

We slowly increase the RPM to about 1500 for 5 minutes to set and feel comfortable. If we feel we've dragged we reset. If not,, it's time for cocktails.

Anyone know how that relates to wind velocity in general? Every boat is different but there has to be some studies done on the subject. Nothing to relate to any specific anchor as we all have different systems but to know at what point our system will fail in a give bottom type would be a good thing to know.

3 blade at 1,500 RPM = 27 knots wind on the bow. ( boat sheer would change that ) perhaps a factor of 1.5 to 2???


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