Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

You'd be quite please with the high local enthusiasm Karl.
In Response To: Degrees of Ugly ()

The Fox Island wind project is owned and run by the two small island communities and enjoyed a nearly unanimous community vote. Our area of Penobscot Bay is energized by this project and a few more similar projects are in the study stage right now.

We're all very anxious to see if the islanders will meet their expectations as well as how they will deal with problems like local noise in this article. As Paul mentions, not everyone likes how they look.

I confess I was a bit startled by them from the water. But I personally view them as a means of generating power, so I don't find them hard to look at, in fact they're growing on me. At any rate, as you'll see in this article, the vast majority in the area just love the sight of the wind turbines.

I think you're likely to see more on, and off the coast of Maine in hopefully, not too long a time.

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