Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

If money is no object, go with a Baby Blake
In Response To: What is the best manual head? () ...about $6250 from this UK dealer at today's rate of exchange. However, that price does include 17.50% VAT, which you wouldn't have to pay and also include shipping.

The closest clone made the US any more is the Groco model K...which is around $800. It's a good toiletm but has an unfortunate tendency to recirculate when non-replaceable parts in the pump become worn after 10-15 years.

Or, you could pull in your horns a bit and give the Raritan PH II a try. It's plastic, but has a typical lifespan of 20+ years...and is a available as a "conversion" (base and pump can recycle your existing bowl, seat and lid) from the chandlery (online store here) for under $300

Unless you want to change to the Lavac system, there really aren't any other good choices in manual toilets any more

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