Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

The Harbor Nazi's are at it again!

Thanks a lot Dan! I took your advice and it cost me $200.00 bucks! Remember when you said to bring the boat up to Dana Point so while we were house sitting your house we could have the boat near to work on? Ya remember that?? Well, we brought it up from San Diego and all was well until we needed to get off the Dana West Yacht Club dock. We decided to go out into the anchorage for a few days and get our "on the hook fix". We weren't out there for more then 24 hours before the harbor Nazi's started to hassall us about the amount of time we were off the boat. They said they "allow" one hour off the boat to "provision and eat". We were gone somewhat longer then that and when returned we found that they had towed the boat to the patrol dock. It cost me 200 bucks to get her out of hock! We are now in an on going fight with the Harbor Nazi's. They keep leaving warnings on the boat and I keep call their supervisor in New Port beach, I guess you know that you have hit a nerve when the patrol deputy looses it and call you an "Ass Hole"... I told him that my wife gets a free pass to call me that but he doesn't and that all it will get him another call to his supervisor. The conversation went down hill from that point on. I told him that it takes more then an hour to provision a cruising boat and that we don't consider that going to the market and picking up a six pack and 1/2 gallon of milk is "provisioning" and his own hand out he left on the boat said I could "provision and eat" which is exactly what I did and I'm taking it to the county attorneys office and naming him as the officer involved. I told him his hand out had no such time limited mentioned and his treatment of me was "arbitrary and punitive" and that I was going to have his ass. He took off and about 20 people from Dana Point Yacht Club who were standing on the veranda went up in a big cheer. That didn't seem to set to well with the deputy either as he sped off down the channel. Welcome home to Orange County! I have a question to all you East Coast and Florida guys. Wasn't a law passed a few years back limiting the cities along the waterway from putting restrictions on boats passing through regarding anchoring?? Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks,

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