You can store 4 cans of fuel safely in a holder clamped to a stanchion if you do the following:
Measure the diameter of the cans, and get about 36" of schedule 40 PVC pipe at the home center (sized to slide the cans inside), along with two slide-on PVC end caps. Use standard PVC pipe cement to attach the bottom cap permanently. Drill a 3/16" hole in the bottom cap as a drain/vent. Cut pipe to length, and use Interlux 202 or other solvent on a rag to remove the lettering. Also buy a 36" aluminum flat bar stock at the hardware department, about 1/2" wide.
You will need to be able to lift the cans out easily, so the bar is used for that. Bend the bottom of the bar 90-degrees and insert it in your pipe holder so it reaches bottom, then mark at the top and again about 1.5" above the top. Cut it at the upper, then bend it over at the lower mark (in same direction as the lower bend). That will be your finger-grab. When you pull up the bar it will lift the cans. Use sandpaper to smooth the aluminum where you cut it, and reverse it so the factory finished end is at the top.