I'm going to call my insurance folks tomorrow and give them a 'heads up' and see what they say. I went through the insides pretty carefully today, and all the joiner work seems to open and close as it should. No signs of anything shifting or popping loose. Perhaps a surveyor with a flashlight and a skinny head to go into lockers and inspect tabbing wouldn't be a bad idea.
Right now, the boat is still on blocks and poppets next to the crane. The yard hauled one more boat after my incident, but today they seemed to have decided that wasn't such a good idea. Right now, the crane is OOC until a proper mechanic certifies the hydraulics. If I spend the winter where I am, I'm good. Boat right now has one jack stand fwd to hold the bow up, plus three on each side. If another blow comes through, I'll have to go and put some chain on them to keep them in place.