Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Yes, that's the bummer ...

... even if the machine works fine after three years, it won't do the things you want it to do, or support the latest & greatest softwares. Email servers, search engines, storage devices, photo programs and cameras. And perhaps connecting cords. Or, for us cruisers, support NAV softwares. In many laptops, you can't even add enough memory, the hardware simply can't accommodate it. It's amazing. THREE years. It would be like no longer being able to buy gasoline or tires for that Saturn of yours. I'm right behind you, still driving my '96 Explorer. My biggest fear about getting a new car is in 3 or 4 years it'll probably start falling apart. No wonder our 80 and 90 year parents are so frustrated, it wasn't that way for them ... it's a joke really.

I'm sort of hoping Samsung starts blowing Apple out of the water. Maybe in 10 years they be in the same camp as Polaroid.

At least my '86 Tartan is doing just fine ... she sure looks great too.

Cheers, John

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