Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

That answered a couple of questions...

To repeat and emphasize what Jon said:

The steering worked fine.

The water leak was minor and under control with electric and manual bilge pumps.

The rescuer's reports describe a well equipped vessel with a capable captain/crew. So much for the press feeding frenzy. Although it was difficult to hear many of the questions posed by the press, I thought I heard questions trying to continue the sensationalist statements against cruising with small children.

I have met many cruisers with small kids, including a Dutch couple I know that left NZ with twins about a year old and one about 4 years old. They sailed home via the Red Sea and did fine. The kids I have met while cruising seemed more polite, better behaved and more responsible that most kids with a "normal" upbringing.

I'm sure we will learn more if/when the family speaks.

As a taxpayer I have mixed feelings about the expense. The rescue crew talked about how this was good training for the next rescue. It is better spent money than a lot of wasted government spending.

These rescue guys are amazing. They deserve a lot of credit for what they do.

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