Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

DQOTD - wood and warping

Hi Tom,

I've played around with minor projects with wood, but never anything significant. I've seen situations where wood not fastened to an underlying structure can warp, or twist or bend. It happens on a beautful chest of drawers I own, where every summer the top piece develops a slight bow from the humidity. I once took my family boat's (Majek) cockpit seats indoors to strip and refinish them, and they developed a very slight bend, perhaps from drying out in the house. They were 30 years old at the time, never a problem, and then suddenly they're not perfectly flat.

I've always wondered keeps an unfastened piece of wood like your opening cockpit seats from warping? Is it the two part laminates epoxied together that provides a rigid structure?

Your project and the workmanship are tremendous and have been fun to follow. Hope I see it in person back in Maine some day.

All the best,

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