I have 4x125 watt Kyoceras that were installed in June 2000. In the three years I lived aboard in the Sea of Cortez - the most I every saw was 30.5 amps at 14.4V which is ~440 watts. That was in June in La Paz - sun overhead - solar panels on top of an arch with NO shadows. Panels are connected to Trace C-40 then to batteries by 12' 1/0 cable which should produce a V drop of 0.5% over 12 feet at 86 F.
Solar Panels are wonderful - the only way to go in Western Mexico!
I also had a big bank of T-105s. We never plugged into shore power from the time we left San Diego in Nov '01 until we returned to Puget Sound in Aug '04. We have a 9.5 cubic foot reefer, microwave, and lots of electronics, along with a 17 GPH Spectra watermaker. The batteries were always fully recharged by 1 PM each day. I then ran the reefer (5 amps) and the watermaker ( day to day use - produced 14 GPH using 16 amps) for several hours every afternoon.