Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

1/2 Price

Half Price. That's close to a Defender price in some respects. A quality company will repair it free or repair or replace it for a nominal charge when out of Warrenty. I had my VHF repaired replaced Uniden for I think $59 bucks plus shipping. I had a Lowrance repaired for a fixed rate years ago (when I had Lowrance). A friend down here on a cat Morgan had a lightening strike and had an inverter go; the company sent him a new board no questions asked and he was able to install it. Exeltech was the company. They don't tolerate failures. That's the way a company should be and I'll be giving them my $$$$, not someone that makes a profit off of sloppy components! Sorry, If I pay top dollar, I expect a top quality product and top quality support.

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