harbor is pretty empty. Brownell and the Boatyard have hauled most boats including a lot from out of town. Brownell's storage yard is filling up, and a lot of the people we talked to are calling it a season.
I had a good spot in Lake Tashmoo Friday morning, there was still lots of room for more boats, although I think the holding varies as you move around. But I upped anchor Friday early and hustled over to Mattapoisett for an afternoon appointment which I had scheduled at the beginning of the week, just in case. I just couldn't develop a lot of confidence in where Irene would make landfall and finally decided I would rather wake up Monday and say that I didn't have to spend time and money for the haulout than to wake up and tell myself what an idiot I was for not keeping my haulout appointment. So I am up in northern VT at the old digs right now to pick up a few things for the boat. No rain here, yet.
I have an appointment to launch Tuesday, Brownell charges half price for the re-launch.