Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

I saw a big shark (I suspect it could have been a White Shark)
In Response To: A shark? In Maine? ()

It was in the Gulf of Maine. I thought it was a whale -- but the tail fin was vertical.

They're there. I don't know if the guy saw one -- but that's not because it wasn't there.

In South Africa, a Seal Island (just east of the Cape, at the "head" of the False Cape. The water is every bit as Maine's 50 degree-ish waters. They have plenty of White Sharks. That's where the famous "breaching" pictures come from on the Discovery channel. If you sea seals, you will probably have White Sharks around.

By the way. This year, the coldest water we saw on the trip up was off Cape Cod (about 47 degrees). It was warmer 50 miles north in the Gulf of Maine. (I recall it was about 53 degrees in the "middle" of the Gulf of Maine between Mt. Desert Island and the tip of Cape Cod.)

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