Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Always thinking about pee, eh?

I passed along good info. But anytime someone brings up a flaw or limitation of a Mac it gets an emotional rise out of the Mac users, almost as if it was insulting their dog or their boat. I can't wait to see the reactions I get to this post.

My iPad2 email and browser crashes frequently (yes it has the latest OS and updates), but instead of showing an error message (like a proper software design would) it just closes the program as if nothing happened. What happened? "Nothing" says the iPad. Must be my imagination. Hey I admit they've got beautiful stuff, but it's not without flaws and limitations. That on-screen keyboard? AWFUL layout and difficult to use with alpha-numerics and punctuation. Android has a much better on-screen keyboard layout. If you disagree, type the following password string on an i-device without cursing: LtJ4-Dg_@ Of course it's no problem if you don't think you need strong passwords... just use 12345 or qwerty (nobody will ever guess).

And who ever thought it was a good idea to design a consumer device with battery that's not user-replaceable? (the company that gets paid to service it).

Beautiful stuff and easy to use, mostly. But let's keep it real.

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