I like wind power, for my boat especially, but also for my home. I buy as much of my power from renewable sources as I can. This 1/8 scale test platform was launched and is moored on one of Maine Maritimes moorings in Castine for a live look here http://www.mainemaritime.edu/webcam
Lots of articles, just google it if you are interested.
I suspect that this will be a big project if all the approvals and engineering work out. What could go wrong right? After all there is lots of money federal and state for these projects, in fact D.O.E contributed quite a bit to get where we are now......
The implications for this really are huge from a business development perspective.....I suspect that this may be one of the reasons that Front Street Shipyard is installing their monster travel lift and expanding to accomodate the service fleet needed for this type of project.