Hey, it's what the eco crazies would call the ideal boat. He's got a huge 4 bladed prop that drives an alternator to generate electricity when sailing as well as solar and wind. They've been in the marina for several weeks now without hooking up to shore power and seem to be getting along fine. They also lived on the boat on a mooring in Hilo for quite a while before moving to our side of the Island. It's not my cup of tea but if you are a dedicated hater of fossil fuel, it seems to work. Woiuld probably to have to power in stages with time for the solar panels to recharge the batteries for any long time powering like the doldrums. Other than that, should work fine if it proves reliable.
There has just been a thread on windmills with almost everyone loudly praising their use instead of fossil fuel or nuclear generation. That with windmills being the most costly and least reliable form of power generation there is out there. Would have thought there'd have been a ton of people on the list praising this boat and chomping at the bit to buy it.