Foot switches; Handheld remote from inside of foredeck locker; and binnacle switches.
I've used the binnacle switches on only a several of occasions; and, then with a lot of trepidation. I've deployed the anchor some of the way a couple of times.
I've sued the handheld a few times (it's fine) but the foot switches are what I use almost always.
You need to position the foot switches where you can work SAFELY and yet get the fine tuning of the retrieval and deployment accomplished. If you have doubts, then the handheld provides some protections -- but it also can allow you get yourself into trouble if you get fouled-up in the chain/rode, etc.
The binnacle was a nice idea; however, when you allow a device to pull 1500 pounds worth of stress on items which you have little warning about bending, breaking, or whatever -- I wouldn't do it again. The rocker switches were occasionally hit by one of my crew or visitors -- then you have a "bam" when the anchor gets slammed tight, or you have a bunch of rode released on the foredeck. (We secure the anchor underway, it could be worse if you drop 60' of anchor down in front of you that you might not figure is hanging out there....