Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Probably. Not just meat, leeks, cauliflower, broc., avocados, mangos, watermellon,...

almost everything is fair game for the grill. On the boat, a grill can be a lot of fun - or a pain if it's hard to use and or set up. I like this small grill because it's easier than most to set up and store below decks when not in use(my preference). I think on the boat, gas is the only way to go.

At home, we like to start a fire of real wood(dry stacked splits of hardwood), in a Weber grill(no gas grill at home). We use it near us and guests as a fire pit, to take the early evening chill off outside.

We don't always cook on it(we steamed the lobsters), but once it burns down to coals it's good to go with whatever you fancy, grilled. We've been grilling pizza over open fires(indoors and out), for years.

A few weeks ago saying goodbye to good friends headed back to Wales for the summer. This is warm dry weather for sturdy Welshmen and their wives.

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