Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

But Al, Ziplocs are made of ...

Plastic! The root of all evil!

While we are only coastal cruisers and club racers, I do tend to re-package in ziplocs and vacuum bags when I can. It saves a ton of space on the boat. Of course the packaging I remove them from has to be disposed of.

The town where I live claims to be progressive. But when they suggested pay-per-bag trash collection to reduce disposal costs and minimize contribution to the waste stream, people threw hissy fits. They signed petitions, and voters adopted an amendment to the town charter forbidding pay-per-bag. The town does not even do curbside collection or recycling; if you want your trash picked up, you pay a private hauler to take it, and you pay them a flat fee by the week or quarter. The household who puts out one bag every other week pays the same as the one that puts out half a dozen bags per week. Truly pathetic.

We do have a few trailers around town for paper, glass, and cans, but the town has threatened to pull those out because they claim they're too expensive to maintain. They want everyone to give up their Saturdays and stand in line at the dump, er, transfer station, to sort their trash and put it in its proper place. Um nope, sorry, that's my sailing time.

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