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Exactly !
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That just because you are trying to get your wife into waterskiing
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Rodger Martins Presto 30 is cleaning up the awards in the sailing rags this year.
new thinking?
The "New" thinking to me Jerry, is away from, well, your old thinking.
Looks like it has an anchor locker in the bow
I would think that for the "new thinking"
Obviously I agree with you Gene
Even though I now have a mono-hull...
didn't I say practically all of that, Tom?
Some yes, but I think you've missed the performance aspect that's the heart of this design Jerry.
"New Thinking is the Common Denominator for 2011..."
A lot of money for what I consider an ugly boat...
oops put the image url in the wrong place
One of my favorites too. What's the sailaway on one of those Todd?
Last I saw was around....
That sounds about right. I was thinking 200 k, so I guess I could throw in a few extras.
Am I missing something... no traveler on the main?
pretty is as pretty does, imo
Doesn't appear to be too much bright work on that boat (M29)
The Davil's Own Boat
That looks easy.
You should buy an M29 Todd.
when pigs fly
I can see myself transitioning to a daysailer when I sell the Allied
a Luders 16, maybe
Are you suggesting that I am...
Of course I already have an M36...
that's the problem with the M36
Yeah the headroom on mine is pretty minimal...
You did the genoa track better than morris
My boat is an M36...
To me that sounds like the equivalent of putting an automatic tranny in a sports car
Morris would put a traveler on there faster than you could sign the check.
You're probably right Tom. But the "new thinking"
Fast isn't everything and "young people"...
Absolutely - most young people aren't buying sailboats at all
BTW -- I think the future of sailing is going to see a growth in time-shared fleets of boats
I can see your choice Larry and can also see younger people drawn to multis for performance.
One of my kids has become a sailor, and the other will be a power boater
That's great to hear. If they want to sail, they'll find a way just like we all did.
I suspect that the main reason
We all know our personal biases, still I like to pretend I'm someone else when I look at a boat design.
If I got into a daysailer, I think I'd go for something faster than an M29
The J95 is about the same $ as the Morris, pushing 200k to sailaway.
I like that boat, too - but I just can't wrap my mind around such a price, for such a basic boat...
I looked at that Jon. Interesting. A fraction of 200k? What's the fraction to sail it away?
I see you could save 50k or so after delivery.
Personally,I'd rather have one of these......
If that doesn't revive this place,......
I was doing 7 knots on a beam reach when one passed me.
is that a McGregor or a Chrysler?
They all look alike.
It is a MacGregor...
They (MacGregor) sail pretty well in light air too.
It's that "protected water" aspect...
Agree but that's not its niche
We used to see many Mac 26's on Lake Champlain.
Rig needs to be a bit small (lack of ballast and desired ability to plane under power)
"lack of ballast"
That just because you are trying to get your wife into waterskiing
Exactly !
The builder now has a website for these boats.