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Hay, that pic looks like the seafaring dog Capt. Morgan
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As long as you follow the directions...
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Does a wind direction indicator tell you any more than a windex?
Of the gizmos I've owned, that seemed like the least valuable.
Alone, probably not (beyond not having to look up constantly; BUT
Windex? Windex? Oh- you mean a "destination finder"
True wind display is a reality check
Another take
Max, I appretiate what you're saying...
Who makes your speed log? You should choose one that can network with it.
One more thing
Wind Instruments give more data than
When I use the AP under sail I usually set it to track wind
For all that...
I like my instruments
That's nonsense Dan. It's still 'Prudent' to sail at night without an electronic wind indicator.
I gotta go with Tom on this one!
My wind instrument saved my ass a number of times.
Well Dan, you have far more
The problem seems to be $$$$ or credit.
There is no doubt that
Prudent ??
Dan, you sure your last name doesn't start with a "T"?
You'll be the biggest proponent of Radar in Maine,...
LMAO! We did play with it one day
New Boat? What new boat?
This could be a sample of what made the Tillerman so bizzare about sailing.
In my experience, when the s**t hits the fan . .
Besides a crook in the neck, also not staring at the sun which is often up there.
That's what Gene should hear. A WSD should be fun and may give you more info.
How do you see that stuff on an overcast night?
Sailing at night, I wouldn't sail DDW unless
I'm with you Dan, the more info the better
That was me.
I got the impression from Dan if his Wind instrument has saved his bacon so to speak,.
Ever see an 'Oyster' named 'Lulu' in the Western Caribbean?
Not yet
not telling the whole story...
As long as you follow the directions...
Hay, that pic looks like the seafaring dog Capt. Morgan
Sorry, the pic has glue.
Dave, isn't the black dog Morgan from Hobo?
You can use "preview" to do that
For the real natural navigators and sailors -- heirs to the skills of old
Trying to connect the GPSatellite system to 3 plastic spoons and a spinning vane seems like a stretch to me Steve.