First, you're trying to inflat a dingy which wants a few psi of pressure with a tank that has many multiples of that pressure. The seams are going to take a beating unless you have it very carefully regulated. It's kind of like filling a pitcher with a fire hose ;^))).
Secondly, with a small (easily purchased) 12V inflater you can get the dingy (and, maybe air-floor) inflatted in minutes. The big issue is pulling the dingy, oars, life jackets, etc. out.
There are some "self-rescue" inflatables that have been out there. BUT, as I observed before, in many situations I think that it would like launching yourself from the back of a C-130 using a hang-glider instead of a parachute. I hate my raft. it's out there where I'd like to put my feet, it blocks the view (a little), and it costs a bunch to keep certified and "current"; however, if you really need to get into one or the other, I'm okay with EPIRB and my raft.