to "integrate". All of my electronics are stand alone. I have "interfaced" the chart plotter with the auto pilot but that's it. That interface has produced some pretty long arguments with good and bad points on both sides but perhaps that should be kept for another thread. I cannot imagine for the life of me why someone would want to put everything in one box. One glitch and everything on your boat is toast. Dan Y's friend had a "glitch" and couldn't even get her anchor down and a three quarters of a million dollar boat went on the rocks? A friend of mine had some weeds get stuck in the knot log impellor and he couldn't use his auto pilot and had to hand steer for days. Changing things just to make you buy new stuff and then boxing everything together so there is a better chance everything will have to be replace at once is just nuts. I think they are designing things for young people that grew up with computers and such and not bothering with us old guys. Not that everyone this board is old, I'm just referring to myself.