Actually that was the location that it was originally installed... but they did the installation using a generous amount of space. Er, ah, wasting a generous amount of space perhaps I should say.
It was quite obvious that it was done from top down.
But my biggest grief is not so much the refrigeration as it is the general nature of plumbing parts available. And of course due to the way things are "sized;" the numbers really don't mean much; you have to dry fit things to see if they really work. As I mentioned, the drain basket I bought from the regular plumber says "fits 2 1/2 inch hole" and the darn hole is 1.970 inches wide... and the part fits perfectly... it just isn't good stainless.
I mean just look at this example of a "2 inch drain hole" below... yeah, there's a "2" in in there somewhere. GRIN