Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

I tacked down the middle of New York Harbor in the dense fog...
In Response To: PS: Guemes channel ()

It may not have been the smartest thing I have every done, but with AIS and radar both running, not that ass clenching. The worst were the ferries, none of which seemed to have a functioning AIS which I believe is probably illegal. Nobody was sounding a fog horn, commercial or pleasure, big or small.

I also motored from Roque Island back to Bar Harbor in even denser fog and was surprised how many of the lobster boats did not show up on radar at all, even when we spotted them visually at about 150 ft. Again no fog horns.

When we left Roanoke Island in the Sounds, it was an IFR departure on GPS confirmed by radar, maybe 100 ft visibility. As we left the channel into the Sound I had to run the calibration routine for the newly installed replacement autopilot. This involved motoring in slow circles. There were local crab fisherman out there who were sure I was determined to run them down, screaming obscenities and the like - they couldn't figure out what I was up too! No fog horns there either.

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