Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

"what have you achieved lately Mark?"

Gary; 3 points to your remarks. 1. I think Mark was pulling you leg.For many of us long term cruising is just life afloat and life is pretty good in MX. Why go anywhere else if that is what is what one seeks?. 2. Cruising and achievement don't belong in the same paragraph for many cruisers. Maybe they worked hard in the private sector, saved their dough, put two kids through college, paid off the mortgage now they don't want to achieve anything beside being warm and living cheaply within a 100 miles of a dozen good anchorages. To us, achievement is for those feel they must circumnavigate or go to three of the most out of the way destinations to feel as those they achieved something. To you Gary, I would say why ruin a good cruising experience by even thinking about ACHIEVING ANYTHING? 3. Gary, lighten up a bit. You don't have to question the bona fides of those who question your oft repeated knowledge of all things cruising. We get it.

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