Outside of a few generalizations like, "most boats don't venture more than 40nm from their dock or moorings", is there is any good data available on how the zillions of sailboats on the coasts are used?
I'm sure the average owner of a sailboat uses it similarly to mine this season. They're not cruising long term, coastal sailing in their neighborhood, working/living/raising a family. But then the similarity ends due to;
Total NMs for season____ Average____ month long season, ____nights aboard,____days aboard,_____. They likely take a _____week(s) vacation aboard.
This info would be interesting especially if it had a few decades history for an area. It might make some sense of the state of recreational sailing today, it's decline(yes/no?), why the last decade in sailboat design revolved around "new" daysailers(not to be confused with the old definition).
Then huge variables come to mind. You have been sailing for____ years. Your boat is____miles from your home. You have____children, ages,____. And then the big one. Your boat is _____feet long.
A big question some wonder; is there less time available for families today for sailing? I have my doubts,...I think lifestyle is causing some of the decline, or perhaps it's change, not decline?
Maybe I've answered my own question here; making sense of this enormous group is nearly impossible due to the diversity of the situations boat owners exist in. Still, averages, especially with ample data, are useful.
Back to my CP. I leave it on always while aboard(it's my only record). This year, we didn't go more than 40 nm from our mooring. We spent about 20 nights aboard which translates into about 30 days aboard. We spent only 1 continuous week aboard this season which is one half of our normal use.
679nm, that doesn't tell you very much about how someone uses their sailboat. It gives me some personal season averages; about 3 hrs av/day underway. about 15 nm covered/ day.
About 1/3+ of those miles under power(fuel used), 30 hours of a burner cooking on the stove(cng used), about 300 pounds of ice melted,...