Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Interesting --my stove's burner caps appear to be something other than iron?

No problem with the broiler --used it basically daily this year, February through August, every morning to make toast and for other things during the day. That and the oven have always worked great.

I'd heard previously from someone in my area about changes at Force 10 (I think at the time Force 10 had also acquired a local diesel heater maker, Sig Marine), so I was wondering about product manufacturing changes or quality control issues at F10. Apparently, they used to manufacture here (British Columbia, Canada), and now do so in China --true or not, and whether that 'means' anything or not I'm not sure, but it might make me a bit concerned...just idle speculation on my part.

Anyway, if I have problems with the burners and broilers, I won't be too surprised, I guess.

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