Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

My little experience and observation, the caulking is usually proud of the wood.

The only time it wouldn't be is if the wood is overly dry. And then Teak looks like it wears faster than the rubber caulking. I think that's one reason a teak deck is a sure footed surface.

I expect to end up with a flat finished surface after sanding the dry caulking and Ipe.

I read another thing on the web: Ipe is fire proof. I was putting some cut offs of kindling into a bag to give away. I put the Ipe in the bag and remembered that 'fact', and pulled it back out. Took the 1/8" thick strip of cut off outside and put a torch to it.

Burns great! Gives off a thick black smoke like it has diesel in it. Make a hell of a torch.

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