and fell off into the tiny harbor.
Those that have been there know, it's not much of a harbor. We picked up a lobstermans mooring, Mary Ann, took the dogs to shore, I waited. Not long after she returned, the lobster-woman, came for her mooring. There was one other sailboat in the harbor, and that was the only other available mooring.
The boat from East Hampton offered us to raft up which was very kind. We declined (I would regret that decision,...) and headed out to the outer moorings reserved for ferry and supply boats.
Soon after rounding Manana, we got the full wind and fetch that had built 6 to 8' steep waves. With solid water going over the cabintop at times, we wrestled into the 30 knot NW at about 3 knots to get enough searoom on Manana before we could head for the moorings.
Monhegan notes: Monhegan Island is about 10 miles off the coast of Penobscot Bay. A small island with a year round community that exists on fishing and tourism. Quite remote with poor harbor access, small ferries supply the island of most everything it needs.