...is because there is such a robust wired network. Only recently have folks chosen to drop wired home phone service for cell service exclusively in the US.
In many European countries, there simply is no wired service available in some locations... or available only with a very very long delay. The mobile networks were an easy and highly desired replacement for the lack of wired service.
This more complete coverage of European countries and the fact that GSM was a mandated technology, allowed for more innovation regarding what a cell phone could do. Hence Bluetooth and purchase by phone were both results of this vast coverage and innovation.
The US kept the market competitive and did not mandate a particular type of service... the result has been the competition which has driven the later faster generation of smart phones.
Can't deny that GSM is the way to go for anyone traveling internationally... but it is not due to GSM being "better," but simply because it is being offered in more locations because it was mandated by governments.
These "phone wars" are similar to other tech wars such as Beta vrs VHS... technologically, Beta was better... VHS was marketed better, VHS won... until a better technology came along.