my generator this summer from a fwd locker to my stbd engine room. Simple job really. Nothing technical. I paid someone else to do it. As usual, it cost more than I anticipated and for several reasons. However it was money well spent. I did some of the time consuming stuff, could have done some more but the final job looks waay better and professional. I don't have a shop, or fiberglass experience or know all the little tricks that make the job go easier. It would have taken much longer and been more half-a$$ed than what I have now. The trick is in knowing your limitations. If money had been the real issue in this case, I probably would have just 'lived with it' the way it was. Now, I have a more reliable and quieter set up that I'll actually use freely rather than with trepidation and annoyance. Now I'll get full value for the original investement that I wouldn't otherwise have had.