Which was simply combing the roadsides near where you lived, and throwing bottles, cans and debris into plastic bags. Then the state followed along in trucks and took it all to the open landfills we had then. I still remember, you couldn't get but a few yards before you had a full bag! Man, what a lesson that was for anyone that participated.
That's all in the past today(including the open landfills in our areas). That was the beginnings of a public education on little more than what happens when you throw stuff out your car window. Law enforcement, recycle-deposit fees, an educated public, and the road sides are much cleaner. Parents(hopefully) have filled in the rest so it's rare to see somebody tossing trash out a car window or boat cockpit, but it still happens.
I'm surprised on that beach that peer pressure hasn't been fierce. Why don't the offenders see what they're doing? They need to spend a few hours on a "Green Up Day", chain gang.