I think you guys are messing with us. Tom used a batten stuffer and Thierry says he should add more tension............I have never heard of a batten stuffer or tensioning battens. Is this like adding more torque to the Johnson rod or greasing the muffler bearing?
By the way, we are now way into record breaking territory here. July 23rd, we have been away from the dock once (against my better judgment at that). Made less than 1/10th of a mile into the bay, never raised a sail. We were taking waves over the bow, got to see just how a spray dodger got its name. Small craft warnings again. Had a hell of a time getting back into the slip with 20 knots on the beam. The cold beers were good though. We have yet to use the pool at the house either. Rain last weekend, now predicting rain, t-storms this coming weekend as well.