Cruising Sailors Forum Archive


After years of ranting and nothing being done...and now worse. Not on your Nelly. It's my turn to quit producing and start taking so tough...pony up.

Social Security...unfunded except by IOU's. Paid for out of the general fund Medicare in the red and sinking fast regardless of fees collected from citizens.

No matter...pony up!' one you didn' think of...

Programs such as military retirement which includes basic medical care with upgrades available for fees. Nothing paid in but 20 plus years of service. Comes out of the general fund each year. Almost completely unfunded. Did you know the real national debt is not 11 or 12 trillion but ten times that counting all the unfunded entitlement programs, retirement programs and so on. No matter...pony up.

Hmmmmm it looks like we're fighting a war in three countries plus now. So it's pay the troops, pay the retirment or bring back the draft.

After the proposed cuts in Medicare and the actual cut in Social Security I'm wondering what senior citizen isn't wishing they'ld voted the other way. Let's see $250 instead of 5% COLA when the cost of living has gone up 15% to 20%? Maybe a special tax on ethanol since it's one of the primary causes.

Just some things to chew on. Especially since your worth as a human has been devalued 5 to ten percent in the last year. With a doubling of the money supply and the prices going up on everything how much is in YOUR wallet these days?

No matter. A deal is a deal...pony up!

It must be the right thing to all voted overwhelmingly for it without fail for the last 20 years at least. Between Democrats and Republicans you allmanaged to get what you asked for. Quit whining...get to work and pony up.

Remmber our special interest voting block is bigger than yours and thanks to the baby boom getting bigger all time. Add in the military with it's retirees and your toast.

and ....pony up!

Just who was John Galt.. ;D

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